Queenstown Charter Flights
With multiple charter flights from Queenstown, True South Flights can help you reach remote South Island towns quicker, transport cargo and oversize goods, and more.
With multiple charter flights from Queenstown, True South Flights can help you reach remote South Island towns quicker, transport cargo and oversize goods, and more.
We have a variety of charter flights available, departing from Queenstown. Our Piper PA32R can seat up to five passengers, our Cessna 208B can seat up to 13 passengers, and our two GippsAero Airvans can seat up to 7 passengers. In the Gipps Airvans, seats can also be removed to make more room for cargo such as bicycles, skis, luggage or other packages.
Our private flights are also useful if you need to transport oversize packages the same day, plan family ski trips and avoid icy roads, or transport your bikes for the Otago Rail Trail. You can also go for business trips to small rural towns of the South Island without losing a lot of time travelling by road, or plan a company outing.
We can also fly you over to remote hiking tracks so you can experience New Zealand wilderness. Some of the usual tracks we do are the Hollyford Track, and the 88-km Pyke River Big Bay Route, both in the Fiordland National Park.
True South Flights also have access to hundreds of small airstrips that dot the South Island landscape, in some cases placing you right next to your destination with no need for a rental car or taxi. Please note that if you are planning a return trip to Queenstown and need to stay the night before flying back, overnight charges will apply. Our charter flights are also weather dependent, and there may be times when we won’t be able to fly.
Get in touch with us today to book a Queenstown charter flight.
Our flights generally leave at your convenience, unless weather conditions restrict flying.
New Zealand’s South Island has some of the most picturesque destinations in the world. Take in the breathtaking beauty of our fjords, glaciers and mountains by booking a scenic flight with True South Flights.
Explore the incredible Southern Alps, with its crown jewel and New Zealand’s tallest mountain, Aoraki Mount Cook, as well as pristine glaciers like the Franz Josef and the Tasman Glacier, with our flights and heli rides.
Remarkables Park Town Centre,
1B/8 Hawthorne Dr, Frankton, Queenstown 9300,
New Zealand
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